Thursday 7 December 2017

Excel Questions and Answers Part 2

Worksheet Appearance 

How to Change Column Headings to Letters 2007

Change column headings to letters in Excel 2003 and earlier versions

How can I change the font in the column and row headers?

To change the Normal font in Excel 2010:

To change the Normal font in Excel 2003:

How can I change the color of the sheet tabs? 

How do I lock in my Title Row and keep it visible while I scroll down to see the rest of my data? 

Lock the title row in Excel 2007, and later versions:

Why did my Freeze Pane settings and gridline settings disappear?

Why do my scrollbars go to row 500 -- my data ends in cell E50? 

To manually reset the used range: 

When I apply Fill pattern to a chart, it looks okay on the worksheet. However, the pattern disappears when I print the worksheet. What's wrong? 

When I hide rows, the data disappears from my chart

How can I change the gridline color on a worksheet?

How can I hide the Excel Ribbon, to make more room on the worksheet?

How can I hide the Excel Ribbon, to make more room on the worksheet?

How do I remove the big "Page 1" on my worksheet?

To go back to Normal view:

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