Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Excel - Microsoft Excel KURT Function


The Excel KURT function calculates the kurtosis of a supplied set of values. 

The format of the function is : 

KURT( number1, [number2], ... ) 

where the number arguments are the data values for which you want to calculate the kurtosis. These can be supplied to the Kurt function either: 
  • directly
  • as values (or arrays of values) returned from other formulas
  • as references to cells (or arrays of cells) containing values
In Excel 2007 and Excel 2010, the Kurt function can accept up to 255 number arguments, but in Excel 2003, the function can only accept up to 30 number arguments. 

Note if logical values and text representations of numbers are typed directly into the function, they are included in the calculation. However, logical values and text representations of numbers stored within an array of cells are ignored. 

 Kurt Function Examples

Column A of the spreadsheet on the right shows an array of data, alongside the data distribution chart. 

The kurtosis of the data in column A of the spreadsheet can be calculated using the Excel Kurt function as follows : 

=KURT( A1:A12 ) 

This gives the result 0.532657874, indicating a distribution that is relatively peaked (compared to the normal distribution). 

Kurt Function Error

If you get an error from the Excel Kurt Function, this is likely to be the #DIV/0! error : 
Common Error 

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