Tuesday 30 October 2018

Microsoft Excel - Pivot Tables Explained

Pivot Tables Explained
A PivotTable report is an interactive cross-tabulation that combines and compares data in your list.

You can rotate the rows and columns to see different views and summaries of the source data and display the details for summarised values.

Each column in your list becomes a field in the report, columns containing numbers are usually the data fields and columns containing text become row, column or page fields which are used to classify the data in the data fields.

A PivotTable report can use data from an external source.

The report is not created using worksheet formulas and is not compliant with the usual recalculation of formulas. However, the calculations produced by the report are much easier to do compared to their worksheet formula equivalents.

A PivotTable report uses your list as a data source to produce the report and does not change it; the report is placed away from the list, usually on a separate sheet in the same workbook.

There is no need to sort the list before creating a report. A PivotTable is ideal for the types of calculations that would either be very awkward or even impossible to do with Subtotals.

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