Wednesday 30 January 2019

Microsoft Project Table - Design

Columns in the table can be deleted by

1. Selecting the field to be removed

2. Clicking on the Delete Row Button.

The order of columns can be changed by

1. Selecting the field to be moved

2. Clicking on the Cut Row Button.

3. Selecting position of field

4. Clicking on Paste Row Button.

Columns can be inserted by

1. Select the position

2. Click on the Insert Row

3. Click on the dropdown arrow and select the field required

Align Data sets whether the data appears on the left, centre, or right.  Text is normally aligned left and numerical data aligned to the right.

The column width can be set here, though it would probably be easier to set the column width by using the best fit method of double clicking at the end of the column.

Titles can be set for the columns where the heading needs to be displayed so that it is different to the field name.

Date format allows you to choose how the dates are displayed for that particular table.  If the setting is left at Default, then the display setting is taken from Tools, Options, View Tab.

Lock first column prevents the first column from scrolling off the edge of the screen.  This is the setting that controls the task id always being visible on the tables.  When a column is locked it cannot be edited.

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